Hydraulic & Pneumatic Products
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Wiper Seals
Wiper seals Hydraulic cylinders operate in a variety of applicaons and
environmental condions, including exposure to dust, debris or outside
weather condions. To prevent these contaminants from entering the
cylinder assembly and hydraulic system, wiper seals (also known as scrapers,
excluders or dust seals) are fied on the external side of the cylinder head.
Wiper seals maintain sealing contact to the piston rod when the equipment
is staonary (stac, no reciprocang moon of rod) and in use (dynamic,
reciprocang rod), whereas the tolerance for the rod diameter is determined by the rod seal. Without a
wiper seal, the retracng piston rod could transport contaminants into the cylinder. The outside stac
sealing of the wiper seal within the housing is also important to avoid moisture or parcles from entering
around the outside of the wiper seal.
Guide rings and guide strips In hydraulic cyli